Analysis on the further development of the emissions balance of renewable energy sources in the field of renewable heat

Since 2007 the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) has been regularly compiling the balance of emissions avoided by renewable energy sources for the electricity, heating and transport sectors. If renewable energy sources are used more extensively in some sectors, this will result in changed framework conditions. This means that the method for determining avoided greenhouse gas emissions must also be continuously refined.

As part of the project "Investigations for further development in the emissions balance of renewable energy sources in the field of renewable heat", we are investigating as a consortium on behalf of UBA how the methodology for balancing of emissions in the heat sector should be adapted to take account of the changing framework conditions in the energy sector. One focus is on the analysis and updating of substitution factors. They provide information on which conventional mix of fossil energy sources is replaced by the use of renewable energy sources. In addition, we compile a technology matrix of all relevant heating technologies and derive representative degrees of utilisation and necessary auxiliary energy inputs on the basis of literature research and further analyses.


Project start May 2019




Prognos AG

iTG Institut für technische Gebäudeausrüstung Dresden Forschung u. Anwendung GmbH

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