The German Resource Efficiency Programmes (ProgRess I and II) set specific targets for resource efficiency in 2020 and 2030. The development of suitable policies requires an assessment of the impact of resource efficiency technologies, policy measures and economic developments on raw material efficiency. SSG and ifeu have developed URMOD, an environmental and economic raw materials model which can map the influence of measures on the macroeconomic use of raw materials.

The environmental and economic raw materials model URMOD is based on a highly differentiated input-output table, which maps the production ties in the German national economy without any overlapping. The model currently differentiates between 52 raw material categories and 282 production sectors. A comparative-static approach is applied to create scenarios which map the future use of raw materials depending on various framework assumptions. One special feature of URMOD is that it can incorporate the raw material requirements for the manufacture of imports and exports into the assessment in order to give a differentiated view of the effects of the relocation of production. The model is also fully harmonised with the EU model which is used by Eurostat to calculate the RMI and RMC indicators for the use of raw materials in the EU.

ifeu Working Paper 1 – Equivalents with Multi-Regional Input-Output Models: The Impact of Sectoral Disaggregation (pdf, 2 MB)

ifeu-paper 1/2024: URMOD-3R ‒ An MRIO-type scenario model for estimating the resource footprint of Germany, the EU and the World (pdf, 7MB)


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