Policy instruments and scenarios

The development, evaluation and strategic supervision of measures and strategies in politics and business is a key element of our services. This includes novel national and international policy instruments, such as the building efficiency strategy of the Federal Government, or the strategic advancement of funding initiatives. Consulting for producers, energy suppliers, and professional organisations is equally important.

Policy instruments

ifeu has been exploring the design and the effectiveness of policy instruments since the early 1990s. One major focus is on the analysis of energy consulting programmes. Moreover, ifeu has been designing funding initiatives for over two decades, in combination with implementation and enforcement of regulatory and fiscal measures. Hence, ifeu frequently works for the Federal Government, governments of the federal states, and municipalities in addition to projects for international clients and within the framework of European projects.


How can we imagine the energy world of 2050? Which consequences are associated with a long-term decarbonisation pathway for current strategies? How can we define climate and energy policy goals? Ifeu makes use of the wide range of modelling tools available to analyse scenarios for the heat market, developments in the trajectory of electricity supply and demand, and in the transport sector.

Sector coupling

Electricity, heat, and fuel markets are increasingly merging; a highly relevant trend given the growth in electrification of the heat and transports sectors with the help of both established (low-temperature heat pumps, rail transport) and novel technologies (high-temperature heat pumps, electric mobility). Furthermore, expected price drops and surplus electricity from renewable energy have highlighted opportunities for an increased active coupling through novel applications (Power-to-X or PtX). ifeu explores technologies, business models and policy instruments for the climate-friendly coupling of sectors.


Dr. Martin Pehnt

PhD, Dipl. Physiker (graduate in physics)
Scientific and Managing Director
+49 (0)6221 4767 0


Reduction of embodied emissions in new buildings

Comparison of the options for Germany

In this project, embodied emissions from new buildings and possible development paths are examined and policy instruments for addressing them are developed.

H2-Companion - Supportive research for the model region “Green Hydrogen Baden-Württemberg”

What are the potentials impacts of the hydrogen technology on Baden-Württemberg as an economic location? What changes can be expected for the value chains, and what ecological advantages, consequences…

Evaluation of the German "Federal Support for Efficient Buildings (BEG)" funding programme

The Federal Promotion for Efficient Buildings (BEG) has been the central national promotion programme for energy-efficient construction and refurbishment in residential and non-residential buildings…

EnEff:Wärme: ENA – Energy Planning to Enable Waste Heat Use in District Heating

In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the heat supply of buildings, structural thermal insulation must be improved and renewable energies and waste heat must be developed. Heating network…

Langfristszenarien für die Transformation des Energiesystems in Deutschland (Langfristszenarien 3)

Basiert das künftige Energiesystem auf Strom, Wasserstoff oder anderen synthetischen Brennstoffen? Die Weichen dafür werden heute gestellt. Die Szenarien werden mit einem komplexen Modellverbund in…

Energy consumption labelling for new air-conditioning and ventilation systems

How can the building stock be climate-neutral by 2050 at the latest? Air conditioning and ventilation systems, especially in non-residential buildings, consume considerable amounts of energy. They…

Scientific monitoring of the National Climate Initiative IV

In future, the National Climate Initiative (NKI) is to be more strongly oriented towards the guiding principle of "100 % climate protection". The necessary funding programs are to be developed for…

Scientific support of the Climate Protection Unit at the Ministry of the Environment in Baden-Württemberg

Climate policy developments and decisions at federal level have a significant influence on the achievement of energy and climate policy goals in the individual countries. The project supports the…

Energy efficiency of products

Appliances and installations consume energy when they are used: in the household, in the boiler room, but also in industry and commerce. EU eco-design and energy efficiency labels are drivers for…

Thermografie am Beispiel eines Einfamilienhauses

The value of energy efficiency in the building sector in times of sector coupling

How can the German climate protection targets in the building heating sector be achieved at the lowest cost to the economy, and taking into account the other sectors, and what is the cost reduction…

Success monitoring of financial measures (ex ante, concurrent, ex post facto) for the funding scheme „Förderung von Stromeinsparungen im Rahmen wettbewerblicher Ausschreibungen: Stromeffizienzpotentiale nutzen“ (STEP up!)

In 2016, the Federal Office for Economic Affairs announced a competitive funding model for the harnessing of electricity efficiency potentials (STEPup!). The Prognos AG and the ifeu are assessing,…

Thermografie am Beispiel eines Einfamilienhauses

Evaluation of on-site energy consulting in North Rhine-Westphalia

ifeu and Kantar EMNID were commissioned to evaluate energy consulting in the ENeRWin project. The goal of the evaluation was to determine the effectiveness of the service “Energy consulting at your…

Rückenansicht eines Mannes vor einem Screen, auf dem Icons die Reduktion von CO2-Emissionen für die Sektoren Energie, Industrie und Verkehr darstellen.

Kopernikus-Project P2X

"Power-to-X" refers to technologies that convert electricity from renewable sources into material energy storage, energy carriers and energy-intensive chemical products. More about the project...

Transformation to a Greenhouse Gas Neutral and Resource Efficient Country

The project RTD analyzes transformation pathways towards a greenhouse gas neutral Germany in 2050 (95 % reduction compared to 1990) calculating different scenarios and resulting total emissions and…

Further development of the Climate Protection Plus funding programme

Climate Protection Plus is a funding programme from the state of Baden-Württemberg, which has been republished each year since 2002. In the context of the project, checks are made for the new funding…

Scientific analysis of the development of energy consumption and measures to improve product-related energy efficiency

In light of the energy goals of the Federal Government, it is imperative to substantially decrease the energy consumption of products along with other measures. The current project offers technical…

Long-term and climate protection scenarios for the transformation of the energy system in Germany

Commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the projects Long-term Scenarios and Strategies for the Expansion of Renewable Energy in Germany and Effects of…


Further Development of Energy Efficiency Policies for the Achievement of the European Climate Protection Targets for 2050

The long-term climate protection targets of the EU require a transformation towards a sustainable and low-carbon economy. The present project examines further possibilities for the development of…

Energy efficiency as a business model

How can Germany implement Article 7 of the European Efficiency Directive, which covers energy efficiency obligation schemes? Agora Energiewende commissioned ifeu and energy consulting company…

Potential of insulation

To which amount can the energy consumption in the building sector be lowered? Which heat consumption would result if the whole German building stock would be refurbished to the best possible standard?…

Further development of existing climate protection tools in the building sector

The aim of this project was to further develop the renovation roadmap tool in the context of existing and new building policy tools.

National implementation of EU Energy Efficiency Directive in Germany

The European Energy Efficiency Directive requires member states to ensure that energy companies implement energy efficiency measures, or take similar action. ifeu developed an implementation concept…


Evaluation of energy efficiency consulting for public utility companies

ifeu and TNS Emnid were jointly commissioned to evaluate the energy consulting provided by public utility companies. In light of the wide range of consulting services provided by public utility…

Strategic development of the national climate protection initiative II

The Federal Environment Ministry’s National Climate Protection Initiative (NKI) encompasses a wide range of funding and support schemes designed to promote climate protection amongst the target groups…

100 % heat from renewable energy?

Based on 400 renovated ambitious efficiency houses from the DENA database, an analysis of architectural, supply technical, environmental, legal, economic, urban development and acceptance aspects of…

Thermografie am Beispiel eines Einfamilienhauses

Evaluation of the “Mein Haus spart” [My House Saves] energy advisory scheme implemented by the consumer advice centre for North Rhine-Westphalia (Verbraucherzentrale NRW)

ifeu and TNS Emnid were jointly commissioned to evaluate the energy advisory service provided during the KEK project, which investigated specific issues relating to climate change and the energy…

Strategies of the National Climate Initiative

The project analyses options to improve efficiency and climate protection in Germany in terms of the technical and economic potentials, the parties involved, the export prospects and political…

Electricity grid model

The ifeu electricity grid model is a flexible tool to derive the environmental impacts connected to electricity generation in different countries and regions of the world. Included are extraction and…


Evaluation and monitoring of the funding scheme Energy Savings Meter

Energy savings meters are to take advantage of the trend towards digitalisation: final consumers can monitor their energy consumption with the help of digital measurement systems. Thus, savings…