District heat and waste heat

Cogeneration and district heat

The integrated use of heat flows has significant potential in relation to energy efficiency and climate protection. The current provision of heat accounts for around half of the total final energy consumption in Germany.

The combined generation of electric energy and heat in cogeneration plants and grid-bound heat supply for spatio-temporal integration of heat generation and consumption are key technologies for an efficient energy system. We carry out research and provide consultancy services in relation to potentials, technologies and policy instruments.

Waste heat and process heat

Industry and businesses consume – and release – considerable quantities of heat. A climate-friendly heat supply relies on efficiency-increasing technologies and renewable energy carriers. We quantify potentials, link these analyses with our building model and develop policy instruments for the decarbonisation of the process heat market.


Dr. Martin Pehnt

PhD, Dipl. Physiker (graduate in physics)
Scientific and Managing Director
+49 (0)6221 4767 0


Zu sehen ist die Luftaufnahme einer Kläranlage mit Grauwasser-Recycling.

Localization of sites for the use of wastewater heat recovery from the effluent of wastewater treatment plants in Baden-Württemberg

The project investigates the technical and economic potentials of heat recovery from wastewater at wastewater treatment plants in Baden-Württemberg with the prospective aim of feeding the heat into…

Wärmewende: Die Energiewende im Wärmebereich

Zielbild und Instrumente zur Dekarbonisierung der Wärmeversorgung

Wie schaffen wir die klimaneutrale Wärmeversorgung 2045? Das Vorhaben erarbeitet ein Zielbild und entwickelt und bewertet Instrumente zur Dekarbonisierung des Wärmesektors.

EnEff:Wärme: ENA – Energy Planning to Enable Waste Heat Use in District Heating

In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the heat supply of buildings, structural thermal insulation must be improved and renewable energies and waste heat must be developed. Heating network…

Europaflagge im Wind

Economic potential for efficient heating and cooling supply

The European Energy Efficiency Directive provides for a comprehensive assessment of the economic poten-tial for efficient heating and cooling supply (Article 14). For this purpose, ifeu prepares…

Photovoltaikanlagen auf dörflichen Dächern

Potential analysis of renewable energies within the framework of RED II

In this project, ifeu and its project partners analyze the potential from solar energy, biomass, ambient energy, geothermal energy, and waste heat and cooling in accordance with the Renewable Energy…

Decarbonisation of decentralised energy infrastructures

The decarbonisation of district heating is challenging from a technical, socio-economic and institutional point of view. We analyse the framework conditions in five case studies and show…

Langfristszenarien für die Transformation des Energiesystems in Deutschland (Langfristszenarien 3)

Basiert das künftige Energiesystem auf Strom, Wasserstoff oder anderen synthetischen Brennstoffen? Die Weichen dafür werden heute gestellt. Die Szenarien werden mit einem komplexen Modellverbund in…


Compliance with climate protection targets requires a change in the energy supply of our society from the still dominant use of fossil fuels to a largely greenhouse gas-neutral system. In this…

4th Generation District Heat

District Heating (DH) networks are an important infrastructure element for a future heat supply and have a considerable potential despite the declining building heat demand. They offer the systemic…

Industrieanlage: Chemiewerk bei Nacht

EnEff: Wärme: NENIA – network-linked use of industrial waste heat

Waste heat utilisation is an important efficiency field. Our estimations to date assume up to 300 PJ of high-temperature waste heat (>140°C) and 160 PJ of lower temperature waste heat (60-140°C) from…

Strategic development of the National Climate Action Initiative III

Future advances of the National Climate Protection Initiative should focus on the “100% climate protection” principle, including necessary funding initiatives.

Municipal heat transition

Guideline for a climate-friendly transition of heat supply

The guideline “Municipal heat transition” is addressed to anyone with an interest in tackling the heat transition in their town or municipality. It offers a compass for sound decision-making on the…

Building efficiency strategy

How can the goal of a virtually climate-neutral building stock be realized by the year 2050? The “Building energy efficiency strategy (Energieeffizienzstrategie Gebäude, ESG)” adopted by the Federal…

Citizens conserving energy

The rapid expansion of renewable energy in the electricity sector is based on a broad acceptance of renewable energy systems and has been driven for the most part by citizens’ initiatives in the form…

The 3E Multiple Dwelling Unit

In the BMUB-funded research project “The 3E Multiple dwelling unit”, LichtBlick and the ifeu investigate business models for the electricity supply of electric vehicles with self-generated electricity…

Strategic development of the national climate protection initiative II

The Federal Environment Ministry’s National Climate Protection Initiative (NKI) encompasses a wide range of funding and support schemes designed to promote climate protection amongst the target groups…

100 % heat from renewable energy?

Based on 400 renovated ambitious efficiency houses from the DENA database, an analysis of architectural, supply technical, environmental, legal, economic, urban development and acceptance aspects of…

Exergetic Assessment of Municipal Energy Systems

The aim of the project is to develop proposals and possibilities in which the energy system of the future can be sustainable at the local level. The energy efficiency and the exergetic optimization of…

Transformation of district heating

The research work of the ifeu-Institute in Heidelberg, GEF Ingenieur AG, and the AGFW dealt with the question of how to increase the proportion of renewable energy sources in existing district heating…

Thermografie am Beispiel eines Einfamilienhauses

Evaluation of the “Mein Haus spart” [My House Saves] energy advisory scheme implemented by the consumer advice centre for North Rhine-Westphalia (Verbraucherzentrale NRW)

ifeu and TNS Emnid were jointly commissioned to evaluate the energy advisory service provided during the KEK project, which investigated specific issues relating to climate change and the energy…

Strategies of the National Climate Initiative

The project analyses options to improve efficiency and climate protection in Germany in terms of the technical and economic potentials, the parties involved, the export prospects and political…