Building efficiency strategy

Scenarios and measures for a heat transition

How can the goal of a virtually climate-neutral building stock be realised by the year 2050? The “Building energy efficiency strategy (Energieeffizienzstrategie Gebäude, ESG)” adopted by the Federal Government on 18. November 2015 addresses this question. In collaboration with Prognos and the Institut für Wohnen und Umwelt (IWU), ifeu provided scientific support to the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy for the development of the ESG.

During the project, a background paper was compiled and recently published. In addition to a detailed model for an expansion corridor for renewable energy and energy efficiency in the heat market, the study includes the quantitative modelling of two scenarios complete with associated housing cost trajectories. Moreover, 16 measures and policy instruments for the building sector are proposed.


January 2015 – December 2015


Federal Bureau for Energy Efficiency (BfEE)


Prognos AG

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