
Since the early 1990s, we have been carrying out environmental assessments and sustainability analyses on virtually all relevant aspects of the general topic biomass and nutrition. These include bioenergy and all aspects of renewable raw materials from different biomass sources from agriculture and forestry, including by-products and waste.

Simultaneously, we are actively engaged in methodology development and advance, and we represent ifeu on relevant standardisation committees and panels, as well as accepting chairperson duties.

Our work in the area of biomass and nutrition includes projects for a great variety of national and international funding agencies and clients. These include the World Bank, a number of UN organisations such as FAO, UNEP, UNFCC, UNIDO, several commissions of the European Union, various federal ministries, state governments, municipalities, private corporations from Daimler and Coca Cola to family businesses, and NGOs like WWF and Friends of the Earth.

Our Focus of Work

Beispiele für biobasierte Werkstoffe: Holz, Mais

Biobased materials

The decline in fossil and some mineral raw materials has led companies in the manufacturing industry to shift their focus towards research and development of bio-based materials and products. These have also become the subject of forward-looking political strategies.


Bioenergy is the most important among renewable energy carriers in a global context. However, bioenergy is also associated with the most complex environmental and sustainability challenges.

Landnutzung als Ackerland

Land use

The land use question is pivotal for the production of biomass and nutrition. There is a key focus on both the environmental assessment of established land use practices and sustainable land use concepts.