
According to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), biodiversity or biological diversity refers to "the variability among living organisms from all sources, including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part." According to this definition, biodiversity encompasses genetic diversity (diversity within species), species diversity (diversity between species) and the diversity of ecosystems. It includes all living organisms, including humans, and explicitly refers to the services provided by ecosystems.

The conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity are considered important foundations for human well-being. However, biodiversity is under threat at many levels, particularly due to the alteration of habitats as a result of intensive (agricultural and forestry) land use and land-use change.

Despite international efforts, it is not yet possible to comprehensively map the impact of products and services on biodiversity. In principle, there are two types of assessment methods that can be used to quantify the impacts on biodiversity. On the one hand, these are nature conservation assessment methods, such as environmental impact assessments, and on the other hand, system-related assessment methods, such as life cycle assessments. 

The ifeu is involved in the methodological development of life cycle assessment methods that map the impact of products and services on the environment. Among other things, the so-called hemeroby approach was proposed for this purpose (Fehrenbach et al. 2015) and further developed in the following years into a robust methodology, the so-called land rucksack. Based on this method, another indicator was developed together with partners: The Biodiversity Value Increment (BVI). However, the development of methods continues with the aim of establishing an independent biodiversity footprint.

At the same time, ifeu is applying the Life Cycle Environmental Impact Assessment (LC-EIA), which ifeu played a key role in developing, in numerous studies to assess local environmental impacts (including on biodiversity).

With regard to the utilisation of biomass, ifeu deals with the topics of renaturation and CO2 opportunity costs as well as nature-friendly consumption in the context of biodiversity and nature conservation. In the context of untouched nature, we analyse the climate protection effect of wilderness areas and areas with natural forest development. Synergy effects between climate protection and biodiversity conservation are also analysed.



Structural reliable offshore floating PV solution integrating circular concrete floating breakwater

The EU-funded project SUREWAVE is developing innovative marine Floating Photo-Voltaic (FPV) systems adapted to the most critical sea states far offshore. ifeu contributes the integrated sustainability…


Reliable Bio-based Refinery Intermediates

The four-year project aims at manufacturing intermediate products made from wood-like or stalk-like non-food biomass, e.g. from agricultural residues and perennial grasses, which are suitable for…


COSMOS aims at reducing the dependence on imported coconut and palm kernel oils and fatty acids and on castor oil as sources for medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA, C10–C14) and medium-chain polymer…

Wissenschaftliche Studie


The project focused on the production of a wide range of products from non-food biomass feedstocks using an innovative Organosolv technology.


The BIOLYFE project improved critical process steps and demonstrated the whole supply chain, from feedstock sourcing via fuel production to product utilisation.

Wissenschaftliche Studie

Ecological Effects of using Palm Oil as a Source of Energy

In this project, ifeu analysed the ecological effects of the use of palm oil as a source of energy and identified optimization potenatial.

Wissenschaftliche Studie

Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment of Stationary Energetic Use of Imported Biofuels: The Case of Palm Oil

The study analyses the characteristics of palm oil, possibilities of using it for energy as well as the environmental, economic and social consequences thereof.