NUMP for Tunisia

Mobilise your city, a multi-donor initiative part of the Marrakech partnership of the United Nations, aims at supporting local and national governments in implementing sustainable and efficient urban mobility systems. The project supported the development of a National Urban Mobility Policy (NUMP) for Tunisia following a MRV principal (Monitoring, Reporting and Verification). ifeu scientists and the local partners calculated a bottom-up inventory of GHG emissions for transport in 2010 and 2016. They also collected a comprehensive and consistent set of transportation data including vehicle population, mileage, specific energy consumption and national fuel sales for rail and road vehicles. Based on the data, a business as usual (BAU) and a climate protection scenario until 2050 have been developed – demonstrating the potential GHG emission saving e.g. by shifting private to public transport or introduce alternative fuels. Numerous stakeholders such as the Tunisian Ministry of Transport, the National Agency for Energy Management (ANME), the technical agency of land transport (ATTT), city representatives and public transport enterprises, participated in the project and obtained training on MRV methodologies by ifeu.


February 2018 – September 2018




Mobilise your city website:

Publication of the project results by GIZ

Further content:
