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Sustainable Bioeconomy: Concept for a Bioeconomy Development Index for Baden-Württemberg

The presented concept for a development index of the bioeconomy (BE) for Baden-Württemberg (BW) is based on the idea that the implementation of a policy strategy should be traceable by measuring and continuously monitoring the status, progress and development of the BE through an index. As the BE is not sustainable per se, but must meet the requirements of sustainable development, an emphasis was placed on the identification of indicators that are in line with the goals for sustainable development of the United Nations (Sustainable Development Goals - SDG) and indicate high environmental and socio-economic standards. The index presented here, which is intended to take into account the manifold dimensions of the BE, consists of 18 core indicators that can be assigned to 9 dimensions. Among the core indicators there are production and consumption-oriented indicators, so that the effects of the production of BE products in BW as well as the social responsibility of the people in BW for the consumption of imported BE products are considered. For the analysis and evaluation of the core indicators it is proposed to use, among other things, a "basket of BE products". It should contain market-relevant and innovative BE products from representative product categories. A first proposal for such a basket consisting of 24 products is presented. After standardisation, the 18 core indicators can be combined to form an index number. However, it is proposed that the core indicators should preferably be presented disaggregated in the form of a dashboard in order to make the depth of detail of the information visible for each of the indicators in all 9 dimensions. Both presentations should be determined and published annually. The present concept for a bioeconomy development index must be concretized and completed in further research projects.