Heat planning guide

Recommendations on the methodological approach for local authorities and other planning officers

Authors: Sara Ortner, Angelika Paar, Lea Johannsen, Philipp Wachter, Dominik Hering, Martin Pehnt, Yanik Acker, Benjamin Köhler, Veit Bürger, Sibylle Braungardt, Friedhelm Keimeyer, Benjamin Ott, Peter Radgen, Christian Kluge, Alexander Bartsch, Nora Langreder, Anna Billerbeck

On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Bundesministeriums für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bauwesen (BMWSB), ifeu, in collaboration with several partners, has published the "Hear planning guide - recommendations for methodical procedures for local authorities and other planners" and the accompanying "Technology catalogue".



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