Runtime 10/2022 – 09/2025
The EU-funded project SUREWAVE is developing innovative marine Floating Photo-Voltaic (FPV) systems adapted to the most critical sea states far offshore. ifeu contributes the integrated sustainability...
moreProject Evaluation of energy consulting projects in the Augsburg region
Runtime 03/2021 – 10/2021
On behalf of the district of Augsburg, ifeu evaluated the effects of four free initial energy advisory services offered by the district for citizens and businesses.
moreProject 4th Generation District Heat
Runtime 01/2017 – 12/2017
District Heating (DH) networks are an important infrastructure element for a future heat supply and have a considerable potential despite the declining building heat demand. They offer the systemic...
moreProject Success monitoring of financial measures (ex ante, concurrent, ex post facto) for the funding scheme „Förderung von Stromeinsparungen im Rahmen wettbewerblicher Ausschreibungen: Stromeffizienzpotentiale nutzen“ (STEP up!)
Runtime 06/2016 – 06/2019
In 2016, the Federal Office for Economic Affairs announced a competitive funding model for the harnessing of electricity efficiency potentials (STEPup!). The Prognos AG and the ifeu are assessing,...
moreProject Strategic development of the National Climate Action Initiative III
Runtime 06/2015 – 05/2019
Future advances of the National Climate Protection Initiative should focus on the “100% climate protection” principle, including necessary funding initiatives.
moreProject Long-term and climate protection scenarios for the transformation of the energy system in Germany
Runtime 01/2015 – 11/2018
Commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the projects Long-term Scenarios and Strategies for the Expansion of Renewable Energy in Germany and Effects of...
moreProject The 3E Multiple Dwelling Unit
Runtime 01/2014 – 05/2017
In the BMUB-funded research project “The 3E Multiple dwelling unit”, LichtBlick and the ifeu investigate business models for the electricity supply of electric vehicles with self-generated electricity...
moreProject Evaluation of energy efficiency consulting for public utility companies
Runtime 12/2012 – 09/2013
ifeu and TNS Emnid were jointly commissioned to evaluate the energy consulting provided by public utility companies. In light of the wide range of consulting services provided by public utility...
moreProject Energy services market survey
Runtime 01/2012 – 03/2024
The project includes in-depth interviews of private households and businesses on services in the context of energy efficiency, both in the form of expert interviews following guidelines and...
moreProject Evaluation and monitoring of the funding scheme Energy Savings Meter
May 2016 - May 2019
Energy savings meters are to take advantage of the trend towards digitalisation: final consumers can monitor their energy consumption with the help of digital measurement systems. Thus, savings...
- Electricity 120
- Sufficiency 99
- Heating and buildings 202
- Measures and strategies (Energy) 99
- Local climate protection 162
- Education and communication 40
- International cooperation (Energy) 8
- Methods & Tools 8
- Mobility 235
- Type of project 1
- Nutritional transition 106
- Resources 227
- Industry and products 108
- Biomass 336
Methods & Tools
- Methods & Tools 93