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Six building blocks for multimodal and climate-friendly mobility - what stakeholders can do

6 Bausteine für eine multimodale Mobilität

Current study for the Rhine-Main-Neckar region on the mobility of the future

The Darmstadt Rhine-Main-Neckar region has great potential to master the challenges of the urgently needed transport transition through the support of numerous regional players and to become a nationwide role model for other metropolitan regions as the "region of mobility of the future".

This is the overarching conclusion of a study commissioned by the ENTEGA NATURpur Institute from the ifeu Institute and ISOE. The study analysed how stakeholders in the Rhine-Main-Neckar region can contribute to a successful transport transition.

The investigations focussed on possible activities of regional stakeholders at regional level. Interviews were conducted with both civil society and leading figures from 42 institutions in the region from local politics, municipal administration, private companies, research and development to shed light on factors influencing mobility and transport locally and to identify existing barriers and potential for a successful mobility transition. In addition, a comprehensive population survey was conducted with over 1,000 people.

Udo Lambrecht, head of studies at the ifeu Institute, summarises his experience of the project:

"The transport revolution, which is necessary for climate-friendly mobility, presents society with major challenges. The region plays an important role here. Together with our study colleagues from ISOE, we held talks with key players from business, administration, politics and civil society. These lively discussions clearly showed what activities are already taking place in the Rhine-Main-Neckar region with regard to the transport transition. However, they also highlighted the needs and possible solutions for the further development of the regional transport transition. ISOE and ifeu analysed the regional situation for six selected topics and developed strategic recommendations for action for stakeholders in the region."

The results have now been published in the study „Bausteine für eine multimodale und klimaschonende Mobilität – was Akteure in der Region Rhein-Main-Neckar tun können“ (in German), including a summary and further statements from the researchers and institutions involved.

To the press release