News Long-term scenarios for the transformation of the energy system in Germany: final report published
The Long-Term Scenarios 3 project modelled three scenarios for the future development of the energy system, with which Germany can achieve the energy and climate policy goals that have been set....
moreNews REPAID at the BLE Innovation Days
In the session ‘Innovative ideas for disposable and reusable packaging to reduce plastic waste’, Benedikt Kauertz presented recommendations for action for the catering industry and an impulse...
moreNews State areas in Baden-Württemberg offer good potential for the expansion of renewable energies
Climate Expert Council calls on state government to utilise room for manoeuvre Around eleven percent of Baden-Württemberg's state-owned land is well suited for the expansion of wind energy,...
moreNews More environmentally friendly chemical production: Final report in the "UpChem" project published
The chemical industry is one of the world's largest industrial sectors and is virtually irreplaceable for a wide range of products and value chains. However, even the production of chemicals can...
moreNews How embodied carbon emissions from new buildings can be reduced
The study published today on behalf of Agora Industry makes it clear that embodied carbon emissions (ECE) from new buildings caused by the production of building materials and building...
moreNews Positive perspectives for the iBRoad2EPC model Renovation Passport following field testing in six EU countries
Energy experts in Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal, Romania and Spain have successfully tested and positively assessed the iBRoad2EPC model building Renovation Passport, developed as part of the...
moreNews Study on the sustainability of commercially used textiles published
More and more textiles are being produced around the world, driven by trends such as ‘fast fashion’. This ever-increasing quantity of textiles is associated with considerable negative...
moreNews Market monitoring report for energy services published
Since 2015, the partners Prognos AG, Verian and ifeu have been conducting regular analyses of supply and demand in the field of energy services in Germany on behalf of the Federal Agency for...
moreNews KliOL: Aiming for climate-neutral hospitals
Graphics: ifeu gGmbH Most people probably think first and foremost of air and road transport as major sources of greenhouse gas emissions. However, the German healthcare sector also makes a...
moreNews Heat planning guidelines online: Practical orientation for local authorities and other planners
On behalf of the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action) and the Bundesministerium für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bauwesen,...
- Energy 507
- Methods & Tools 8
- Mobility 243
- Type of project 1
- Nutritional transition 110
- Resources 232
- Industry and products 116
- Biomass 341